Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Our Last Full Day

Today has been our last full day in Armenia. It is somewhat bittersweet. While I would love to stay here and continue serving, I also miss different aspects of my own home (Amanda has been craving Mexican food the past couple days). We visited our last english class today and it was pretty casual. We pretty much just talked about the differences between our worship and their worship. We were then asked to evaluate the trip so that others can be planned better in the future. During this discussion, they shared with us how we had touched them and how they thought we were very mature in our faith. This came as a surprise to most of us as you know how Jon and Tommy can act sometimes (ok, we all have had our moments on this trip, just some more than others). This whole experience has shown me how we can touch others lives without even knowing it. On Sunday, the priests at the church we helped out at mentioned that just our presence encourages the other young people at their church. Then Arsen mentioned that he was really impressed that we stayed through the entire Sunday service (liturgy). He said it showed them how devoted we were. They even mentioned that they felt there was much they could learn from us. I honestly don't feel worthy of that compliment. When I was preparing for this trip, I tried not to have many expectations of the time here. I didn't want to put this experience in a box and only do what I had in my mind to do. I thought that it would just be really fulfilling to help others in need and through the process I wanted to enlarge my idea of what Christianity was. However, I found that I was being ministered to by the very people we were ministering to. It just continues to amaze me how that happens. Why is it that we feel the need to go to the other side of the World to do this sort of thing? How many opportunities are there locally where we can serve? I think we get into the mindset that we are too busy to take time out of our schedule. Yet when we do take time out of our schedules to share the Love of God, we are blessed beyond imagination. I think this is one of the things that I have taken out of this trip. I plan on writing more about my experience during our plane ride to London tomorrow. Then I'll be able to explain my thoughts a little clearer. Again, Thanks so much for your prayers. It has truly been a great trip and I can't wait to share all the pictures and video with you when we return. Please pray for our continued health, team unity, and safe travel. The NLI staff is throwing a going away party for us tonight so we're leaving for that in about 45 minutes. May God continue to bless you beyond all you can imagine or think to imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts Joe. I encourage you to write them out on the plane while they are fresh! Thanks for sharing your heart. I am daily envious as I read your blogs!